Find Motivation using ADHD Ritual Box

Your Ritual is meant to give you motivation not overwhelm you

hey hey hey, how was your week? hope you were slightly more productive and most importantly hope you had fun. Feel free to reply I always respond.
100s of you came from Instagram so welcome, appreciate you giving me a chance <3

today we’ll be building on last week's tip of Hyperfocusing on just 1 to 3 tasks, so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

The tip for this week is “Find your ADHD Ritual Box”

First off, wtf is a ritual box??? These are small, repeatable actions that signals to your brain that it's time to transition into a different mode. Whether it's a morning meditation session, a walk around the block, Lighting a scented candle, playing some background music or a pre-bedtime wind-down routine, find what rituals work best for you and weave them into your daily rhythm.

You can have a ritual that gets you into work mode, for me its going on a short walk and playing lofi music.

The goal of this is to have something to tell your brain “it’s time to get serious” and kind of trick your ADHD brain into getting motivated. Athletes have them too for when they make a mistake, it’s like a reset button.

Your Ritual is meant to give you motivation not overwhelm you

Scientific Evidence Supporting Rituals

Numerous studies have explored the effectiveness of rituals in managing ADHD symptoms:

  • A study published in the Journal of Attention Disorders found that implementing daily routines and rituals significantly improved time management and organization skills in adults with ADHD.
    Research link

  • Research published in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology demonstrated that engaging in structured rituals before bedtime helped children with ADHD fall asleep faster and experience fewer nighttime awakenings.
    Research Link

Personalizing Your Ritual Box

No two ADHD Ritual Boxes are alike, and that's the beauty of it. Your Ritual Box should be a reflection of your unique needs, preferences, and personality quirks. Don't be afraid to get creative and think outside the box. Experiment with different rituals until you find the perfect combination that works for you.

You don’t need to have 100 rituals, having 2 or 3 is enough and I’ll even argue having just 1 that you use consistently this week anytime you want to work is enough to start out

Staying Consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to reaping the benefits of your Ritual Box. Try to incorporate your rituals into your daily routine in a consistent and predictable way. Over time, these small, repeatable actions will become second nature, helping to anchor your day and provide a sense of stability amidst the chaos.

Quick exercise:

Think back to last week and think of the 2 days you were most productive, the days where you not only got so much done but also enjoyed the day.

Now what did those 2 days have in common? on both days did you wake up at a specific time range? did you do some specific things before you started working? did you do some things before going to bed?

This might help you find one of your rituals

Take it slow, don’t just go straight to trying to structure your day into time blocks filled with rituals no no no, that's not the goal of this newsletter and that doesn’t work for us, instead, find comfort in the rituals when you need motivation.

ADHD Tools:

StayFocusd: Blocks Distracting Websites

Due – Task Reminder App

Have a great week