Why work when you can ADHD Hyperfocus?

Pomodoro for the ADHD Brain

hey hey hey, this is the first issue of the newsletter, I was going to write it on Friday in advance but I postponed it and now I'm writing it on Saturday evening šŸ˜­ story of my life.

hereā€™s a meme for the road šŸ¤£ 

The tip for this week is ā€œPomodoro for the ADHD Brainā€

In case you donā€™t know what Pomodoro means, itā€™s basically a productivity technique that involves working in 25-minute sprints and taking a 5-minute break in between each sprint.

For the normal person, this sounds perfect but one of the best things about ADHD is Hyperfocus and unfortunately, Pomodoro can ruin an ADHD personā€™s ability to hyperfocus. Instead of getting lost for hours into a project the time is broken up and you might not be able to focus when you get back to work.

So this is what I want you to try out this week:

When creating your to-do list find 1 to 3 tasks that if you completed just them today youā€™d be more than happy about the day.

So for me, itā€™d be:
Write this newsletter
Clean my room

Just 2 things, of course, there are a few other things I'd love to do today BUT if I get just these 2 done and donā€™t do any other thing the rest of the day Iā€™m going to be happy with myself.

Also, itā€™s very easy to feel overwhelmed when you have 10 tasks to do on your todo list but when you know that if you did just 3 of the most important ones then itā€™s not as scary and youā€™re much more motivated to do the task.

Now that we have the 2 tasks, most times after writing your todo list you feel motivated so I want you to just go straight into one of the tasks for as long as you like, 25 mins or 2 hours, honestly itā€™s your choice. Then when youā€™re done take a 5 minutes away from device break so no phones, no laptops, no TV, just chill. Research shows that 5-minute brain breaks away from devices helps restore attention.

After your 5 mins break try to do the second task, itā€™s fine if you donā€™t feel the motivation, do another ā€œsmallerā€ task or elongate your break for as long as you need to be able to do the second task.

Repeat till you finish your top 1 to 3 tasks.

This simple system has really helped me over the last couple of years and I believe itā€™ll help you become more productive overtime, good luck and feel free to email me anytime during the week to tell me how it's going <3

This week I found these 2 tools that will help you become slightly more productive:

Forget Work: I used it on Thursday and Friday and it's one of the best todo list type tools that work for people with ADHD, Iā€™ll definitely be using it more

Chronocat: This is also a good todo list tool but its more timer focused and tries to make sure you donā€™t spend too much time on one task

Have a great week