Accountability when you have ADHD

hey hey hey, how was your week? hope you were slightly more productive than before? and most importantly hope you had fun. Feel free to reply I always respond.

The tip for this week is “Accountability when you have ADHD”

Let's face it, simply "being productive" isn't enough. We need concrete ways to ensure we actually follow through on our intentions. And set up a system to help with keeping us going.

I’ll be touching on keeping yourself accountable when you’re alone, doing it with friends, and using tech.

If you’re alone:

The Power of "If-Then"

The core principle is simple: set up an "if-then" statement that ties completing your tasks to a reward or its absence to a restriction. Here's how it works:

  • Identify Your Tasks: Start by listing the tasks you want to prioritize. Be specific and realistic.

  • Choose Your Rewards: Pick rewards that genuinely motivate you. Craving that slice of pizza? Finishing your project earns it! Want to binge the new Netflix series? Completing your homework unlocks the first episode!

  • Define Your Restrictions: Decide what you'll restrict access to if you don't complete the tasks. No YouTube until you finish that presentation? Sounds like a plan! Be mindful of choosing something you genuinely enjoy, but not something crucial (like sleep!).

Why it Works for ADHD Brains

The Reward-Restriction Hack taps into the way ADHD brains function. We often crave immediate gratification and struggle with delayed rewards. However, by tying a desired reward directly to completing a task, it becomes more immediately appealing. Additionally, the potential loss of a desired activity acts as a motivating "punishment" for procrastination.

Pro Tips for Success

  • Start Small: Don't overwhelm yourself with a massive to-do list. Begin with one or two key tasks and build from there.

  • Be Specific: Vague tasks lead to vague rewards. Define exactly what needs to be completed to earn your reward or avoid the restriction.

  • Track Your Progress: Use a habit tracker app, a simple chart, or even a sticky note to visually see your progress. Seeing those checkmarks can be incredibly motivating.

  • Celebrate Wins: Don't forget to acknowledge your accomplishments! Take a moment to enjoy your reward and feel proud of your hard work.

Remember: This is a tool, not a punishment. Be flexible and adjust the rewards/restrictions as needed.

If you have a friend to keep you accountable

  • The Accountability Partner Pact: Find a friend who also struggles with getting things done. Share your goals and hold each other accountable. Regularly check in, celebrate successes, and offer gentle nudges when needed.

  • Gamify Your Goals: Spice things up with a little friendly competition! Create a points system for completed tasks and see who comes out on top. This adds a fun element and keeps you motivated.

  • Co-working with a Twist: Feeling restless working alone? Try co-working sessions with a friend, even virtually! Set a timer, work on separate tasks, and mute yourselves. The presence of another focused person can work wonders for staying on track.

Using Tech

Focusmate changes the way you work by partnering you with an accountability partner for a live, virtual coworking session that will keep you on task.

deepwrk: Also an app that pairs you with one person with ADHD so you guys can work together on different things and keep yourselves accountable.

What I want you to do this week:

Try to implement JUST ONE of the accountability tips maybe get a friend or do it alone or use one of the apps. Don’t try to use 2 at once.

Remember: Consistency is key! Don't get discouraged if a strategy doesn't stick right away. Experiment, find what resonates with you, and adjust your approach as needed. You've got this!

This simple system has really helped me over the last couple of years and I believe it’ll help you become more productive overtime, good luck and feel free to email me anytime during the week to tell me how it's going <3