Doing laundry when you have ADHD

Doing laundry when you have ADHD

The tips I’ll be covering:

Have a Laundry Day
Vibe and Fold OR Multi-Fold
Anti chaotic laundry

This resource was super long initially but has been condensed into digestible bullet points for you.

This is the full guide.

Have a Laundry Day

Dedicating a specific day to handle all laundry tasks can streamline the process and reduce the mental clutter of deciding when to do laundry throughout the week. Saturday afternoons are my laundry days

Action Plan:

  • Pick Your Battleground: Dedicate a specific day (or half-day) each week solely to laundry. This focused approach helps you avoid feeling overwhelmed by the task throughout the week.

  • Gather Your Arsenal: Before laundry day, ensure you have laundry detergent, softener, and stain remover readily available. No mid-battle scrambling allowed!

  • Divide and Conquer: Invest in 2-3 laundry baskets labeled "Darks," "Lights," and optionally, "Delicates." Train your household to deposit dirty clothes in the appropriate basket throughout the week. This saves sorting time on laundr

Vibe and Fold

This by far is the most effective and easily actionable. When you have ADHD engaging multiple senses can benefit you.

Action Plan:

  • Choose Your Weapon: Select an activity that keeps you engaged while folding.

    • Vibe and Fold: For a relaxing experience, light a scented candle, put on some calming music (or an audiobook!), put on the TV or watch a movie, and fold clothes while enjoying the atmosphere.

    • Multi-Folding Machine: If you crave stimulation, crank up some upbeat music, set a timer for 20 minutes, and challenge yourself to fold as many clothes as possible in that timeframe. Turn it into a game!

  • Folding Frenzy: No matter your chosen method, tackle folding immediately after each load dries. This prevents the dreaded "clean clothes mountain syndrome."

It's killer if you can have a timer but also are playing music in the background, that’s peak. Also make sure you avoid saying “I’ll fold them later” because we both know you won't, so immediately it's out of the dryer, vibe, and fold.

Anti-Chaotic Laundry

Laundry is so inherently chaotic that adding some structure to it will go a long way in making sure you actually get it done. We also add structure in a way where its not overwhelming and works with your overall day.

Action Plan:

  • The Laundry Basket Shuffle: Embrace the "never a big chore" approach! Instead of lugging a massive laundry basket around, break it down. Carry a single load downstairs whenever you're already heading out. This keeps laundry top-of-mind and prevents overwhelm.

  • The Sort & Sprint: Once the basket is downstairs, dedicate a short burst of focused energy to sorting. Separate darks and lights, then toss them in the washer. Don't worry about timing – go do something else entirely! This keeps things interesting and avoids decision fatigue.

  • Within 30 mins: Set a reminder or whenever you remember that day. No matter what you’re doing, within 30 mins you have to stand up and go move the clothes into the dryer.

  • The Folding Frenzy: The key to avoiding a future folding mountain? Strike immediately! As soon as clothes are dry, fold them right then and there. This keeps the momentum going and prevents a future battle with a pile.

  • The Reward Ritual: You're onto something! Rewarding yourself after completing mini laundry tasks is a fantastic strategy. It keeps you motivated and injects a bit of fun into the process. Choose a small reward you enjoy, like watching a funny cat video or listening to your favorite song.

Bonus Tip: Designate a specific area for folding laundry, equipped with everything you need (baskets, hangers, shelves). This creates a dedicated "folding zone" and prevents scattered folding sessions.

Well there you have it, hope you gained value from the guide, thanks <3